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Celebrating 40 Years in 2022

40th Anniversary

Alumni Luke O'Dea and Sonia Dodd share their journeys from students to industry professionals

Year 11 and 12 Music and Entertainment students, along with those on Creative Arts Scholarships, had an opportunity to draw inspiration from SPCC alum… More...

Heather celebrating almost 30 years at SPCC Newcastle

Known for her passion, focus and her bright colours, Heather Nixon has been working at St Philip’s Christian College for more than half her life. More...

After 35 years of dedicated service, Pam O'Dea will be concluding her Principalship

After 35 years of dedicated service, Pam O'Dea will be concluding her time as Principal at the end of this year. Mr Jamie Fahey will be the new Princi… More...

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